Meet Liz Young

Liz Young is a Ladies’ European Tour player and founder of the Rose Ladies Series, the first women’s professional sport to resume after the first Coronavirus lockdown in 2020. From a single event at Liz’s home course of Brockenhurst Manor, Hampshire, Liz attracted sponsors and supporters including Justin and Kate Rose and Sky Sports, and,…

SMS to launch new golf tourism research programme

Leading sports research agency Sports Marketing Surveys (SMS) has announced plans to run a new survey targeted at the golf tourism industry.   Along with the rest of the travel industry, golf tourism has been hit particularly hard by the Coronavirus in 2020. Customers have been forced to abandon or postpone trips – citing cancelled…

Sports Marketing Surveys joins Asian Golf Industry Federation

Sports research expert Sports Marketing Surveys (SMS) has become the newest member of the Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF).   The AGIF represents all facets of the golf industry in Asia, aiming to support the development of a sustainable industry by sharing best practices from across the diverse continent. The not for profit’s goals include…

Record quarter for rounds played before lockdown bites

Sports Marketing Surveys can reveal that Q3 rounds played across Great Britain reached record levels* between July and September 2020.   Overall, the average number of rounds played across the country was up 59% compared to 2019. The recent surge means that total rounds for the year to date (up to September) were up 7%…

Tier Fore – The case for keeping golf open during lockdowns

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Richard Payne gearing up to attend virtual IGTM

Sports Marketing Surveys Director Richard Payne is excited to attend the inaugural IGTM Links event.   The IGTM Links event will take place between 20-22nd October in the form of an online conference. It has been organised to help the industry to re-group and re-connect and plan for the future of the golf tourism market.…

August Rounds Played continue post-lockdown boom.

As an adjective, synonyms for August include ‘distinguished’, ‘respected’ and ‘illustrious’ among others. Looking at the Rounds Played figures for last month, the description seems more than appropriate.   New preliminary figures from the Sports Marketing Surveys Rounds Played Monitor indicate a third straight month of dramatic growth in the number of golf rounds being…

Young’s Award Provides Fitting Coda To Rose Series

This article has been reproduced with the kind permission of its publisher, Global Golf Post, and its author, Lewine Mair.    Liz Young, the golfer who organised a competitive event for sister members of the Ladies European Tour and ended up with the eight-strong Rose Ladies Series, was bemused. At 37, she had been included…